Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 24 hour creative jam for artists A shared world adventure

Gift Certificates from Ellen Million Graphics

Buying artwork for someone can be really hard, but you want to help support independent artists and small business. EMG has the perfect solution! Give them a gift certificate to Ellen Million Graphics and they can select original Sketch Fest artwork from their favorite artist, an exclusive role-playing portrait for their beloved character, a coloring book they don't have yet, or an amazing resource of business advice for artists, a subscription to a shared world setting, or even more! Your gift helps a small business thrive, and takes the starving out of artists.

You'll receive a printable PDF within 24 hours, good at any of the Ellen Million Graphics sites, with an easy coupon code to use online. Select any whole dollar amount!

A gift certificate from Ellen Million Graphics is the perfect gift for anyone, on any occasion! Ordering is temporarily disabled pending site upgrades.

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All graphics on these pages are under copyright. Webpage design copyrighted to Melissa Findley and Ellen Million.
All artwork copyrighted to the creating artist. If you find anything which is not working properly, please let me know!
EMG powered by: a few minions and lots of enchanted search frogs
Fri, 28 Mar 2025 19:31:17 -0700
Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993