Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 24 hour creative jam for artists A shared world adventure

Ellen Million Graphics - General Information and Frequently Asked Questions

An overview of Ellen Million Graphics

Ellen Million Graphics is a sole proprietership, owned and run by Ellen Million. It is a small home-based business that controls a handful of satellite projects aimed at artists and other creatives in the genres of fantasy and science fiction. Primary among those projects are a range of coloring books for grown-ups, Portrait Adoption, Torn World, and Sketch Fest.

EMG was started in 1993 with $80 in startup funds, and the business license was co-signed by Ellen's father, as Ellen was still a minor at the time. In very short order, the little business began to include the artwork of other artists, and spread from just stationery to other products, like cards, bookmarks, and magnets. She added a high-end printer to her equipment, and a heat press, and began making prints, mousepads, t-shirts, and purses. She offered these services to artists directly, as well as selling their artwork retail under license. The first coloring book for grown-ups was published in 1997, and the webpage was launched in 1999. Portrait Adoption was released in February of 2004, and EMG-Zine, an e-zine for fantasy artists and writers, was launched in January, 2006. Torn World opened to the public in January, 2010, and the first Sketch Fest was held in March of 2010.

EMG has grown organically, evolving to meet the changing needs of customers and artists - and to remain something that Ellen can handle as a one-woman shop. Ellen taught herself php programming and customized her sites into highly specialized, efficient platforms that organized submissions, handled micro-royalties, and managed subscriptions. While some projects grew, others were culled; the giftshop was scaled back to include only coloring books, and EMG-Zine was closed after seven amazing years of monthly issues. The mail-order catalogs gave way to a website and on-line payments. Portrait Adoption was recently closed, and Torn World was frozen. Sketch Fest continues to provide monthly inspiration with 48-hour creative jams!

Are you accepting artwork submissions at this time?

Sketch Fest is open to all artists who wish to participate! I am not accepting submissions for coloring books at this time.

Who is the nut behind the wheel?

Ellen Million is an artist, a writer, a herder of artists, a creative force of nature, and a Mom.

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All graphics on these pages are under copyright. Webpage design copyrighted to Melissa Findley and Ellen Million.
All artwork copyrighted to the creating artist. If you find anything which is not working properly, please let me know!
EMG powered by: a few minions and lots of enchanted search frogs
Fri, 28 Mar 2025 19:23:40 -0700
Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993