Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 24 hour creative jam for artists A shared world adventure

Artist Profile for: Nicole Cadet

Nicole Cadet is an Australian fantasy artist who was born on a Black Friday. Her interest in fantasy art began at an early age when she was introduced to the library. So enamoured by the pretty pictures to study fine arts at the Queensland College of Art (which she hated) and changed studies to become a computer programmer. Working primarily in watercolours and digital art (Painter/ Photoshop & digital tablet), she occasionally returns to acrylics and oils. Her subject matter often stems from medieval and mythical imagery, though she is a fan of all fantasy subjects.

I'm on twitter @nicolecadet & Facebook (blog link though I do have a blog through my regular website)
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Available Portraits at Portrait Adoption

Portrait #2338

Portrait #2998

Portrait #1515

Portrait #2432

Portrait #2997

Nicole Cadet at Sketch Fest
See their full Sketch Fest gallery...
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All graphics on these pages are under copyright. Webpage design copyrighted to Melissa Findley and Ellen Million.
All artwork copyrighted to the creating artist. If you find anything which is not working properly, please let me know!
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Fri, 13 Dec 2024 20:29:25 -0800
Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993