Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 24 hour creative jam for artists A shared world adventure

Artist Profile for: Crystal

Crystal Charee learned to draw because as a teenager, she wanted to be a fashion designer. An avid fan of fantasy novels, Crystal soon branched out to princesses, fairies, unicorns, etc. She likes working with strong lines, weird proportions, and fantasy themes.
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Available Portraits at Portrait Adoption

Portrait #2948

Portrait #2953

Portrait #3059

Portrait #3061

Portrait #3058

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All graphics on these pages are under copyright. Webpage design copyrighted to Melissa Findley and Ellen Million.
All artwork copyrighted to the creating artist. If you find anything which is not working properly, please let me know!
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Mon, 31 Mar 2025 08:56:19 -0700
Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993