Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 24 hour creative jam for artists A shared world adventure

Artist Profile for: Jeff Ward

Jeff Ward's art can be seen around the U.S. and Canada at convention art shows, as well as in various books, magazines, and gaming products. One of his first illustration commissions was for Fiske Planetarium in Boulder, Colorado-- a set of illustrations for an audio visual show, entitled Distant Worlds. Since then, he has created various book cover illustrations for several authors, such as G. Miki Hayden. He illustrates for magazines as well-- Paradox Magazine being a recent example. Also, he has created art for various gaming companies, a few of which are Bastion Press, Blue Devil Games, Green Ronin, and Hero Games. Jeff has received awards from various art shows, including Philcon, Roc*Kon , and Tropicon.
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Mon, 31 Mar 2025 09:21:39 -0700
Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993