Sketch Fest #129:
Sketches ~ Prompts
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Sketch Fest #129 will run March 26-28! (Today's date: 2025-03-31 08:28:28)

Sketch Fest has ended! Stay tuned for the next event!

Work by: Amy Sue Stirland

I've always been a doodler. In the last few years, with the encouragement of my husband and some of my good friends, I have begun sharing my work - and selling it. My sketches here and other art are available at
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This artist has left the following prompts: (185)

This artist has comments on the following prompts for Sketch Fest #129:

...Sailor Take Warning this prompt has been tagged
Sleeping On A Stack Of Books this prompt has been tagged
Chicken Time this prompt has been tagged
Elaphocentaur this prompt has been tagged
Whale with a tiara Prompt claimed!
Spellcaster this prompt has been tagged
\"Birbs\" tribute to Ellen this prompt has been tagged
Thank you, Ellen! 💗 Prompt claimed!
Flower Lantern this prompt has been tagged
Starry Night Sky this prompt has been tagged
Fántasy Villa this prompt has been tagged
Mushroom house this prompt has been tagged
bunny in my basket this prompt has been tagged
Unicorn dreams this prompt has been tagged
Petunia Faerie this prompt has been tagged
Lace moon this prompt has been tagged
Postcard this prompt has been tagged
Peacock pirate this prompt has been tagged

Fantasy coloring books from Ellen Million Graphics A 48 hour creative jam for artists

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