Bonus December Sketch Fest is underway!

Welcome to #EMGSketchFest, and this December’s bonus Sketch Fest before EMG goes on hiatus through February. It’s live at the Sketch Fest site right now, so head on over to submit prompts or share your art!

Early Riser by Laura Siadak

Our opening illustration goes to Laura Siadak, who sketched this enigmatic and fascinating creature inspired by Cindy Hill’s prompt “Bird dragon.”

Laura wrote about her illustration, Early Riser: “Wake up nice and early in the morning, and as the sun comes up… crows out a nice belch of fire?” That’d be one heck of a wake-up call!

We’ll be back tomorrow with more featured illustrations, but make sure you periodically check out the full gallery for more work! And, when you talk about Sketch Fest #95 on social media, make sure you use our official hashtag: #EMGSketchFest.