Your EMG Stories: Maria J. William

We continue celebrating 25 years in business with today’s entry in our EMG Story series. Wondering what we’re doing? Start here with our introduction.

Now, we’re turning the mic over to Maria J. William as she tells us her EMG Story:

“Sanguine” by Maria J. William, $40

“I first met Ellen on Elfwood in the late 1990s – that long-ago era of
LiveJournal, e-zines, message boards, and chatrooms. Back then I still had a full time job, and art was just a hobby for me. I gradually evolved towards deciding to make a career out of it after conversations with fellow Elfwoodians, and being inspired by their work. Ellen was one of those people. All the advice and encouragement I got made my transition from a 9-to-5 hobbyist to a full time artist and mom in later on so much easier.

Some of my work was introduced in the Gallery section of EMG-zine
throughout the early 2000s, but EMG really became a big part of my life
when I joined Sketchfest in February 2016, after many invitations from
artist friends. I’ve been a steady contributor ever since, and have only
missed two. I’m not a natural sketcher; I’ve tried keeping a sketchbook,
and failed miserably. Being a part of Sketchfest not only pushes me to
sketch regularly, which I believe is an important part of being an artist,
but gives me an opportunity to promote my work and try new things. And it
really gets my creativity going.

The fact that Ellen appreciates my work and actually owns some of it
really means a lot to me. Her creativity, energy, and drive inspire me a
great deal.”

You inspire us as well, Maria! Thank you so much for walking with us on this journey.

Would you like to share your EMG Story with us and perhaps see it featured on our blog? Email Deborah here.